- Continuous Optimization / GWW
- Control Theory & System Dynamics / GWW
- Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery and Artificial Intelligence /DB
- DEA and Performance Measurement / EB
- Decision Analysis, Decision Support Systems / DB
- Discrete Optimization, Geometry & Graphs / JB
- Emerging applications of OR / GW
- Energy / Environment and Climate / GW
- Financial Modeling & Risk Management / GWW
- Fuzzy Systems and Softcomputing / DP
- Game Theory, Mathematical Economics / GWW
- Location, Logistics, Transportation, Traffic / SN
- Metaheuristics / DP
- Multiple Criteria Decision Making and Optimization / DB
- OR Education, History, Ethics / JFO
- OR in Health & Life Sciences / JB
- OR in Industry and software for OR / SN
- OR in Natural Resources / GWW
- OR for Development and Developing Countries / GWW
- Production Management & Supply Chain Management / SN
- Revenue Management & Managerial Accounting / EB
- Scheduling, Time Tabling & Project Management / JB
- Simulation & Stochastic Programming and Modelling / GW
- Soft OR and Problem Structuring Methods / DB
- Telecommunication & Networks / JFO
DP - David Pisinger / DB - Denis Bouyssou / EB - Edmund Burke / GW - Gerhard Woeginger / GWW - Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber / JB - Jacek Blazewicz / JFO - Jos? Fernando Oliveira / SN - Stefan Nickel
Conference Agenda
Sunday July 11th, 2010
10:00 - 19:00
Monday July 12th, 2010
08:00 - 18:00
Opening Session
Sunday July 11th, 2010
16:30 ? 18:30
Faculty of Sciences, Building C3
Welcome Reception
Sunday July 11th, 2010
19:00 ? 22:30
Faculty of Sciences, alley between Building C5 and Building C6
Boat Trip
Sunday July 11th, 2010
12:00 Cais do Sodr?
Monday July 12th, 2010
20:00 Cais do Sodr?
Wednesday July 14th, 2010
20:00 Cais do Sodr?
Show and Official Banquet
Tuesday July 13th, 2010
19:30 Parque das Na??es
Closing Session
wednesday July 14th, 2010 17:20 Faculty of Sciences, Building C3