GAMS Workshop - How can I make this work ... arrgghh ?

Sunday, July 11th, 14h-16h, Room 6.2.50

From its beginning in the 1970 at the World Bank till today, GAMS, the General Algebraic Modeling System, has evolved continuously in response to more demanding user requirements, evolving computing environments and advances in the theory and practice of mathematical programing. This makes it a very powerful but complex tool with capabilities not every user might know about. After an overview of the GAMS system we will present a few issues or questions our support team was confronted with and demonstrate specific solutions for them. At the same time we will discuss effective ways to approach these issues in general. We would like to include your issues & questions during the workshop and encourage you to send them to us so we can present them, along with our suggested solutions. Each issue/problem sent to beforehand and used during the workshop will be awarded a prize.

Optimization Modeling with MPL and Python: New Features, New Trends and Free Software

Sunday, July 11th, 12h-16h, Room 6.2.49

Maximal Software will be offering a pre-conference workshop on Sunday afternoon 12:00 - 4:00pm before the opening session. The workshop will cover a wide range of topics related to optimization modeling and the MPL Modeling System and is organized in 3 main parts (each is self-contained, so you can attend only the parts you are interested in):

In the first part, we will start by introducing Maximal Software and give some background on history and development of the MPL Modeling System. This will be followed explanation of the new Free Development and Academic programs for MPL. We will also talk about an open-source project managed by MPL, the CoinMP solver. The first part will take about one hour (12:00 - 13:00).

In the second part of the workshop (1:00 - 2:30pm), we will concentrate on the MPL Modeling System itself, how to formulate models in MPL, connecting them to data sources, and solve the models using state-of-the-art, industrial strength solvers, such as CPLEX and GUROBI. We will also cover how to achieve optimal solution performance through efficient modeling techniques, solver tuning and choosing the right software and hardware tools.

In the third and final part of the workshop (2:30 - 4:00pm), we will switch over to how to build and deploy optimization applications. For this we introduce two software offerings by Maximal Software, OptiMax Component Library, which allows you to embed optimization into various different programming languages, and then the MPL for Python, a new scripting and library interface for MPL that takes full advantage of the many powerful features of Python.

For those that have not seen or used Python before, we will offer also a short tutorial, that demonstrates why Python is such a cool language for optimization and scientific computing. With free libraries such as Matplotlib, Scipy, and Numpy, it offers much of the same functionality as MATLAB, basically for free (Python is open-source).

At the end, we will also give you the opportunity to fill out the application form to receive the free full-size copy of the MPL Modeling System. The workshop is open to all registrated participants of the EURO conference. Registration is not required and walk-ins are welcome. For more information and a detailed schedule of the workshop, please go to:

IBM? ILOG Optimization Pre-Conference Workshop

Sunday, July 11th, 14:30-16:30, Room 6.1.36

Join the IBM ILOG Optimization team for a stimulating pre-conference workshop, featuring the latest performance enhancements in the IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimizer and a session on Whats New in IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio. CPLEX Optimization Studio is a comprehensive OR toolkit that enables you to develop and deploy mathematical programming and constraint programming models from a powerful IDE built on OPL, through programmatic APIs, or through third party modeling environments, using available connectors to MATLAB? and Microsoft? Excel?. During this workshop, we will also share details on the IBM Academic Initiative program specifically for the Operations Research teaching community, and how academic researchers and faculty member can get no-charge access to IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio!

State of the Art Workshop

a workshop related to EURO XXIV / EUROPT / EURO ORD / EUROMSC / Ethics

Sunday, July 11th, 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. in Lisbon 2010, Room 6.2.52

Mutual session of special researchers of Euro working groups:

  • OR and Developing Countries
  • Ethics and OR
  • Methodology of Societal Complexity
  • Optimization
  • Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding

Organized by:

  • Prof. Dr. Dorien DeTombe
  • Prof. Dr. Cathal Brugha
  • Prof. Dr. Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber
  • Prof. Dr. Fred Wenstop

Several presenters give an overview of their field, overview of recent research and discussion about future research question in their field open for discussion, no fee required

info :

Dorien DeTombe


International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity

P.O. Box. 3286, NL-1001 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe


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8th EUROPT Workshop "Advances in Continuous Optimization"

University of Aveiro, Portugal, July 9-10, 2010


OR Running on Public Transport

A Euro 2010 satellite workshop organized by CIO (Portuguese OR center), to bring together University and Transport Companies communities, sharing experiences, successes, difficulties and future challenges.

11th July 2010, University of Lisboa, Portugal

2:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Room 6.2.53


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A EURO ORD Workshop on OR for Developing Countries - Young Researchers and PhD Symposium

July 10, 2010, Room 6.2.53/6.2.56

University of Lisbon, Portugal

This workshop provides an opportunity for doctoral students to present and discuss their research within a focused environment and with other academics and practitioners with similar interests in Operational Research (OR) and Development. It is organized by EURO ORD, the new EURO Working Group on OR for Development (~fcrespo/eurofdv/). The symposium will comprise plenary sessions, research clinics as well as the opportunity to have research dialogues led by senior academics working in the field.

Website: ~fcrespo/eurofdv/Lisbonconference/index.html

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The 1st IRSES Marie Curie Workshop on Industrial Extensions to Production Planning and Scheduling

July 11, 2010, 15:00 ? 17:00, Room 6.2.48

The aim of this workshop is to discuss the appropriateness of the plans for the overall management of the FP7 Exchange Programme project "PPExt", namely the coordination of the workpackages, the awareness of output Indicators and Deliverables, the dissemination of the results, and the usage of a platform to promote collaboration.

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DSS 2010 - the 15th IFIP WG 8.3 International Conference on Decision Support Systems

July 7-10, 2010, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

The 15th IFIP WG 8.3 International Conference on Decision Support Systems (DSS 2010) will be held July 7-10, 2010, at the University of Lisbon, Portugal. The conference is devoted to the theme "Bridging the socio-technical gap in DSS - Challenges for the next decade". Submissions from academics and practitioners are invited and showcases of real case studies will be especially welcomed. Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed. The acceptance of the contributions will be based on the originality of the work, the relevance for the conference theme and its overall quality. Best accepted papers will be published as chapters of a book with the conference theme, published and distributed by IOSPress.

Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit extended versions to special issues of such international scientific journals as Group Decision and Negotiation (GDN), Intelligent Decision Technologies International Journal (IDTJ), International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST), and the Journal of Decision Systems (JDS).

organized by

Jo?o Telhada

Carlos Teixeira

Rita Almeida Ribeiro

Ana Resp?cio


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International Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Dynamics

July 4-10, 2010, Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto, Portugal

The conference scientific scope is to focus the fields of Modeling, Optimization and Dynamics and their applications to biology, economy, industry, physics, psychology and finances assuming the scientific relevance of presenting innovative applications as well as merging issues in these areas that will lead to future works and collaborations.

This multidisciplinary aspect will promote the exchange of experiences and knowledge between experts and young researchers as well as the research activity in several new fields in mathematical sciences and their applications.


At the moment, the Scientific Committee has the following elements ( there are some more that have not confirmed yet):

  • Alberto Adrego Pinto ( LIAAD, University of Porto)
  • Pavel Brazdil (LIAAD, University of Porto))
  • Bruno Oliveira ( LIAAD, University of Porto)
  • Rui Gon?alves (LIAAD, University of Porto)
  • Pedro Campos (LIAAD, University of Porto)
  • Dalila Fontes (LIAAD, University of Porto)
  • Diogo Pinheiro (Univeristy of Lisbon)
  • Fl?vio Ferreira (Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
  • Nico Stollenwerk (Univeristy of Lisbon)
  • Alipio Jorge ( LIAAD, University of Porto)
  • Maria Paula Brito ( University of Porto)
  • Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber (Middle East Technical University, Turkey )
  • Sara Fernandes ( University of Evora)
  • Jos? Leonel Rocha (Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon)

Conference Agenda

Sunday July 11th, 2010
10:00 - 19:00
Monday July 12th, 2010
08:00 - 18:00

Opening Session
Sunday July 11th, 2010
16:30 ? 18:30
Faculty of Sciences, Building C3

Welcome Reception
Sunday July 11th, 2010
19:00 ? 22:30
Faculty of Sciences, alley between Building C5 and Building C6

Boat Trip
Sunday July 11th, 2010
12:00 Cais do Sodr?
Monday July 12th, 2010
20:00 Cais do Sodr?
Wednesday July 14th, 2010
20:00 Cais do Sodr?

Show and Official Banquet
Tuesday July 13th, 2010
19:30 Parque das Na??es

Closing Session
wednesday July 14th, 2010 17:20 Faculty of Sciences, Building C3

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